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The right selection of 60 participants in the mobility is essential for the effective and successful implementation of the project. The right to participate have all students from the three Vocational Schools, who study Computer Systems and Technologies, Computer Networks, System Programming and Applied programming, from 10th and 11th grades, with 2018/2019 cumulative grade point average (CGPA) at least very good 4.50.

The pre-selection criteria are:

- CGPA from required courses – at least good 4.00 for the 2018/2019 school year

- Command of English - min. level B1 (check-up by written test and oral interview)

- Writing a motivation letter to defend their readiness for a two-week stay in England and motivation to apply the acquired foreign knowledge and skills in Bulgaria after the end of the project

- Preparation and presentation of a project related to the subject of mobility (project, presentation, report, poster, model, etc.)

- Good communication skills and teamwork (checking with a psychological test)

- No penalty imposed by the Pedagogical Board for Discipline and School Regulations (when a student is punished after the formation of the group, the student will be replaced by another from the reserve list).

The selection procedure includes 2 stages - initial selection and final ranking. The first selection stage involves collecting participation forms, parental consent statements, motivation letters and students’ projects, interviews with a psychologist, individual interviews with candidates to check their motivation and attitudes, and testing the language skills. The second stage and the final selection of the participants is carried out taking into account the results from the pedagogical, linguistic and cultural preparation. The final ranking is based on a pre-established application evaluation methodology covering objectively defined and quantitative indicators from the two stages with a maximum of 10 points for each component.

All selection procedures for participants are based on the principles of transparency, equity and objectivity.